Monday, January 30, 2006


I have always enjoyed the movie Sabrina, even though I must admit with some embarrassment that I have never seen the Audrey Hepburn classic, only the Julia Ormond/Harrison Ford remake. In it, Sabrina tells her father that one of her favorite things about him is that he became a chauffer simply so he could have time to read. She said she imagines him sitting in a long procession of cars, waiting for the Larrabees, and reading.

That being said, I am seriously considering becoming a chauffer. One of the things I enjoy so much about living in Ghana is that life is slow enough for me to read. In just over four months, I have read what is inching closer and closer to twenty books. And I have added some new favorites to my old favorites…like East of Eden and A Tale of Two Cities. I love that I finally have time to read and enjoy the classics I was supposed to read in high school.

I am also seriously considering going the route of unemployment. Then my reading time would not be obstructed by the bothersome task of driving. Plus, no other job besides unemployment will provide me with the amount of time necessary to do the amount of traveling I intend to do once I get home – and from then on, for that matter.

I will worry about finances later. I think that is enough major life decisions for one day.

This is a picture I did not take of the most contented man I have ever known, crying silently into his handkerchief. He had just received news of the death of his young daughter. And a baby girl, unable to sit still, tottered over to him. He took her into his arms. And for one moment she was still. And for one moment he stopped crying, content again.